Supervised by nurses and other medical staff, nursing assistants or nursing aides assist patients with dressing, bathing, eating, getting out or into bed, and answering patient’s requests. Along with making the patient’s bed and keeping their room orderly and neat, they check patient’s vital signs such as respiration and blood pressure, provide skin care, and record and report any emotional or physical changes in the patient to their supervisor. There are many nurse career advancement opportunities for nursing aides such as continuing their education to become a registered nurse or licensed practical nurse.

Licensed practical nurses and registered nurses work in hospitals, doctor’s offices, ambulatory care facilities, clinics, emergency medical centers, patient’s homes, nursing care facilities, schools, work sites, and many other places. Along with supervising nursing aides, licensed practical nurses monitor patients, administer medications, develop care plans and implement them, and handle other basic healthcare needs. Licensed practical nurses often continue their education and accept nurse career advancement opportunities as registered nurses.

Some of the many job functions of registered nurses include, assisting physicians during examinations, treatments and surgeries; observe and provide direct care to their patient’s; develop care plans and implement them; supervise nursing aides and licensed practical nurses; administer patient’s medication; and diagnose common injuries, illnesses and treat them. In order for a registered nurse to have more nurse career advancement opportunities such as administrative and teaching positions or clinical research and nursing management positions, they study to obtain their Bachelor of Science in nursing degree.

With a Bachelor of Science, Masters or other nursing degrees, nurse career advancement opportunities and promotional prospects increase along with the salaries. Some of the many specialty fields include:

Cardiac Care Nurse – work with both heart disease patients and families; monitor cardiac drugs; care for pacemaker, angioplasty, and bypass patients

Forensic Nurse – aides in crime investigations such as assault, abuse, accidental death, and sexual assault

Nephrology Nurse – cares for kidney disease patients or those at risk

Nurse Educator – mentor and teach in practice and classroom settings; responsible for instructing, preparing lesson plans, encouraging and inspiring nursing students.

Of the many nurse career advancement opportunities, there are leadership positions, which include head nurses, nurse administrators, or nurse supervisors. Nurses in these positions often direct nursing activities, assign duties, arrange or provide training, and plan work schedules for nursing aides, registered nurses, and other nurses. They are in charge of maintaining records and ordering the necessary supplies and equipment. Continued education increases their nurse career advancement opportunities and gives them far more flexibility and job options.


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